When it comes to building your marketing strategy, the biggest hurdle to overcome is getting started. If organic promotion isn’t a specialty of yours, it can be tricky to know if you’re targeting the right people. Moreover, how are you supposed to know if you’re really making the best use of your time? Should this be a predicament you find yourselves in, a pet brand marketing agency is definitely a must-have!


What is a marketing strategy?


A marketing strategy is a document that lays out your plans for all upcoming marketing activity. It should detail a number of things, such as who you’re targeting, what you’re looking to achieve, your budget, and the techniques you’ll use to tick off your goals. Additionally, it should also include a SWOT analysis and comprehensive research on your competitors, including who their audience is and what they’re currently doing in terms of promotion.

Marketing strategies are live documents and should be treated as such, with frequent updating. If one particular avenue isn’t quite working as well as you’d hoped, you should adapt your plan and reallocate your budget. A strategy allows everyone on your team to remain on the same page, keeping the entire process streamlined and efficient.


What to include


At VerriBerri, we work with a wide variety of clientele. As such, every marketing strategy or campaign we put together is very different from that of the next. Obviously, the approach we take is always judged on a case-by-case basis. When it comes to pet brands, however, here’s what our specialists would suggest you include from a generalised POV…


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)


If you’re selling your products online or have a website that you use to build awareness, SEO is going to be your best friend! This technique is centred around improving your visibility online and among your fellow competitors. With the pet industry being as saturated as it is, brands need to be doing all they can to help consumers distinguish between them and other similar organisations.

SEO is easily the most technical element of digital marketing. In order to do this well, you need to have a good grip on the Google algorithm and up-to-date knowledge of their positioning criteria. When you work alongside our pet brand marketing agency, we can help you to make the necessary changes to your site to boost your ranking.

We’ll also produce optimised content on your behalf which will offer your target audience value, as well as improving your site health. In doing so, you’re perfecting the end-user experience and bettering your place on the SERP.


Social Media & Influencers


We would always recommend that every pet brand should work on growing their online presence. The use of social media and influencer marketing is the perfect way to generate a buzz through word of mouth, increase enquiries, and in turn, generate a higher revenue. Where budget allows, you might even want to consider running some ads alongside your organic posting. Additionally, working alongside influential dog accounts and other creators can also be incredibly lucrative too.

In order to effectively implement a social media and/or influencer campaign, you first need to know your audience. From here, you can then identify the best platforms to utilise. When you work with our pet brand marketing agency, we’ll advise on the best route forward and expertly implement your bespoke strategy. We’ll even get involved with online communities, networking with potential customers and boosting enquiries/sales.


Pay Per Click (PPC)


As we touched on earlier, the pet industry is a bustling market full of brands looking to conquer the SERP. Although SEO, when used correctly, is incredibly effective in boosting your visibility, the results can take some time. As such, in the beginning, it might be worth investing in PPC too.

Also known as Google Ads, PPC is a quick way for brands to generate sales. Knowing how to set up and maintain these adverts, however, is a whole other story. If you’re not quite sure how to go about doing so, our pet brand marketing agency is home to an entire department specialising in pay per click. We’ll keep things optimised and ticking along nicely, ensuring your ROI is the best it can be!


Want to know more about us?


Choosing the right agency for your brand is just as important to you as it is to us. We’re all about being flexible and working towards the individual needs of our clients. What’s more, we want to ensure that the companies we work with are receiving worth from our efforts. We’re not just an expenditure, our services are an investment.

Based in Maldon, Essex, our growing team of creatives are passionate, forthcoming, and above all else, invested. There’s little more rewarding than seeing a client do well and knowing we played a part in that success. At the end of the day, it’s why we do what we do.

Here at VerriBerri, we’re multi-award-winning and have a plethora of glowing client testimonials under our belt! This means that when you work with us, you can be sure you’ll receive nothing but a high-quality service.


Working with VerriBerri


To enquire about working with our pet brand marketing agency or for more information on any of our services, give us a call today on 01376 386 850. You can also click here to fill out our contact form.