Finding your place within an industry can be tricky, especially if your chosen sector is already oversaturated. The truth is, at times, making some noise can feel impossible for all businesses, no matter what stage of the lifecycle they’re in. With the help of our SEO company in Essex, however, we can get you the exposure you deserve. Formulated by our experts, we will help you to implement and manage a search marketing strategy that is effective and lucrative.


What does an SEO agency do?


As an SEO company in Essex, we are responsible for improving the visibility of our clients’ websites. We work with brands to create regular site content that is optimised and well aligned with search engine algorithms. Where needed, we’ll also work with businesses to make their current site more SEO friendly.

SEO is a form of organic digital marketing targeted at improving the ranking of a website on search engines, like Google. The process involves generating new, regular blog posts and landing pages for websites that include targeted keywords, as well making certain modifications to a site in-line with the algorithms expectations.

Shortened from search engine optimisation, SEO has a plethora of benefits to brands who are willing to invest in this area. These include:

  • Improved website traffic
  • Greater credibility
  • A higher conversion rate
  • Boosted authority in your market
  • Increased trust levels among your customers

How your website is ranked by Google


Search engines each have their own algorithm that allows them to determine what content appears under each search. This is also targeted to a user dependent on a number of variables. For example, where in the world a user lives. Think of the algorithm as a checklist of criteria. The more you tick off, the more Google will favour you when it comes to ranking your site for relevant searches.

In order for Google to determine how aligned your site is with their algorithm, your website will go through a process known as crawling. Bots, known as ‘Spiders’, will trawl through every piece of content you have on your site, looking for the criteria specified in the algorithm. From here, they are then able to determine your site health.


How to boost your visibility


The good news is, there are lots of ways you can make your site more SEO-friendly to boost awareness of your brand. From optimising the back end, to building links through PR.

When you partner with our SEO company in Essex, we will work with you to understand where your site currently stands in terms of optimisation. From here, we can then find a path forward and begin making the necessary changes.

If you have never dived into the world of SEO before, we recommend bringing in a professional to optimise your current website pages first. From here, we can then begin writing and uploading SEO-friendly content on a regular basis, usually in the form of a blog or landing page. In order for your site to rank well, it pays to have as much relevant content as possible for Google to crawl. Providing this is well aligned with their algorithm, this will give your site health a huge boost.

There are lots of ways to optimise your content. Sentence length, content word count, keywords, compressed images, and meta descriptions are just a number of examples. When we write content for your website, we will ensure we have done all that we can to make it SEO friendly.

Alongside optimising your current content and creating new blogs to share on a regular basis, there are lots of other things to consider too. Other ways you can boost your site include:

  • Building backlinks through PR
  • Making your website mobile friendly
  • Compressing image sizes
  • Creating alt-text
  • Providing meta data

What’s more, this is just the tip of the iceberg. As you can see, there are lots of different elements to consider when it comes to improving your reach. With this being such a time consuming and technical task, it pays to bring in a team of professionals. That’s where our SEO company in Essex can help you!


Strengthening your marketing strategy


In addition to search engine optimisation, you can also improve the performance of your website using Google ads. Also known as Pay Per Click (PPC), this technique is an amazing way to get your website ranking higher than your competitors. When you implement a paid search marketing strategy, you only incur costs when people click on your advert. Providing you set these up carefully to attract the right audience and the content on your site is high-quality, you should begin seeing conversions quite quickly.

For guidance on setting up a lucrative PPC campaign, reach out to our team! We can also provide your brand with support in a number of other areas, should you need us to. Our other services include:

  • Social media management
  • Public relations (PR)
  • Crisis management
  • Influencer marketing
  • Graphic design and brand identity
  • Event planning and management

Contact our SEO company in Essex


Struggling to get people landing on your website? Looking for a local marketing company who can boost your conversions? Keen to get ahead of your fellow competitors? For more information on our SEO services, get in touch with our team of experts today by clicking here!