When it comes to the hunt for social media specialists, you need to find a team that know their stuff. From the outside looking in, it’s easy to underestimate the work that goes into social media marketing (SMM.) Believe us when we say, however, that SMM is no picnic in the park. If you want your efforts to be successful, you need to be dedicated. What’s more, you also need to have fresh ideas too. No free time on your hands? That’s what we’re here for!

Why Social Media Is an Important Marketing Tool

Globally, social media has a penetration rate of nearly 54%. That’s 4.20 billion people to be exact. In the UK alone, this figure sits at 53 million. From these stats alone you can begin to see the monumental impact that social media has on the public. Nowadays, the likes of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have a huge influence on a consumers purchasing decision. For those of you who don’t frequently maintain your presence online, we can assure you, you’re missing out. 

Important Stats 

Still not convinced? Here are some important stats you need to know about SMM…

  • The average internet user spends 144 minutes on social platforms each day
  • 54% of social media users utilise these platforms to research products and/or services
  • In 2020, 1.3 million people were joining social media each and every day

There’s More to It Than You Think….

We get it, before going to the extent of hiring social media specialists, you’ll of course want to know what it is that we actually do. As we touched on earlier, SMM has a tendency to look much easier than it is. In actual fact, there is a lot of work that goes on in the background…


Social media isn’t just about chucking together a post, putting it out there and hoping for the best. Instead, you really need to be in tune with what your audience want to see. This is how you improve your yield.

A huge proportion of our job involves research. Whether we’re assessing what your competitors are doing or keeping up with industry updates, this all takes time – something you may be running low on! This is a vital clog in the entire operation and not a step you want to be overlooking.

Content Creation

Now the team have gathered some fresh ideas on your behalf, it then all comes down to the execution. As social media specialists, we know that in order to do well, your feed needs to be diverse. This means creating content that is different and that is inclusive of multiple different formats including photo’s, videos, and graphics. Our team work hard to discover the best way to deliver information to your audience. From here, we then get to work generating posts that are both informative and captivating. Content creation is where a lot of people think the job stops. In reality, this is only the beginning.


People utilise social media in order to be, well… social! In this day and age, individuals enjoy feeling that one step closer to the brands they love – that’s you! These platforms shouldn’t be utilised for giving the hard sale. Instead, use this environment to bridge the gap between you and your audience! 

After every post, your dedicated social media team should then spend some time engaging with your followers in the comment section. In addition, if you’re a smaller company, it’s always advisable to have your DM’s open to the public too. This helps to open up a conversation, making both potential and existing customers feel more valued. Time should then be taken by your marketing team to respond to any messages you receive. 

Understanding the Algorithm

One of the trickiest parts of our job by far is keeping up to date with the constantly evolving social media algorithms. Each platform has their own way of doing things and when changes come into play, you need to react quickly. Keeping on top of this can be time consuming, not to mention frustrating too! This is a vital part of the work we do and something we are constantly refreshing our knowledge of. We keep up to date so that you don’t have to!

Working with VerriBerri

To give you a bit more of a background about us, the VerriBerri team is built from passionate, creative, and talented individuals. Although our agency is growing rapidly, our workforce remains close-knit. We’d even go as far as saying that our company culture is one of our biggest assets. What’s more, we are also a multi-award-winning, full-service firm with a proven track record of amazing results. Our outstanding reputation proves testament to the team’s hard work and dedication. When collaborating with any outside firm, communication is key. At VerriBerri, we make this a priority.

It’s only natural that you want to know how your money is being spent. That’s why we produce monthly reports for each of our clients. Within these, we detail how our time has been spent, what we have achieved, and what we plan to do going forward. In addition, by having the team all under one roof, staying connected is never an issue.  Hiring top social media specialists can be expensive, especially if you’re using a city agency. When you work with VerriBerri, however, we promise that you won’t be hit with hefty city price tags. Our services are affordable, keeping marketing attainable for businesses in all stages of their lifecycle. 

Contact Us Today

All our packages are carefully handcrafted to suit your every need. Before working with any client, we spend time getting to know your organisation, it’s key values and your target audience. From here, we can build a strategy that is lucrative, providing the best ROI for you!

Interested in working with our social media specialists? We would love to know more about your current strategy and how we can help. To get in touch, call us today on 01376 386 850, or just click here!