Marketing for Children

Marketing for Children. Our kids are targeted constantly through an onslaught of children’s adverts and PR displayed through the television, Internet and even in school. Over 16,000 advertisements are consumed yearly by children in the United States. Although our UK...
Marketing for children.

Marketing for children.

Marketing for children. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you are a kids brand looking to raise awareness of your brand. You’re right to be considering the ethics affecting marketing for children! Companies who connect with younger, vulnerable audiences could face...
Kids Marketing Agency

Kids Marketing Agency

Kids marketing agency blog. – Is it time to turn your dream of setting up a children’s brand into a reality? Or perhaps 2024 will be the year that you turn your hobby business into something that makes you a serious income! Our kids marketing agency want to help...
Children’s PR agency

Children’s PR agency

Children’s PR agency. – Have you ever tried speaking to your kids while they’re gawking at the TV? Transfixed by the bright colours, flashing images and smooth sales speak? It can be an impossible task for parents to get their kids attention. You are competing with...
Kids Marketing Agency

PR for Children.

The sheer volume of companies who handle PR for children is growing and showing no sign of slowing down. We all know marketing is important and the truth is if parents have spare money who do they spend it on? The kids! There is very little any of us can do to avoid...