Teen marketing agency

Teen marketing agency

In todays teen marketing agency blog, we talk social media. Facebook’s popularity among teens continues to slip, it’s not the domain of the mum. Meanwhile social platforms like Instagram, TikTok and SnapChat are flourishing among this demographic. Why? According...
Instagram Marketing Agency

Instagram Marketing Agency

Two things our Instagram marketing agency hear regularly. ‘I don’t think it really works for our audience’. ‘My business doesn’t need Instagram.’ These are just some of the responses we receive when asking to add Instagram to a business’s social media marketing...

Instagram Business Marketing

Instagram is not just a place where millennials go to post food pictures. There’s real money changing hands; influenced by the power of the social media platform. As a result of this, Instagram now has the ability to promote and sell products; moving closer to...
Marketing for Bars

Marketing for Bars

Marketing for Bars can be difficult. Bars are more fashionable now than ever before. You will find plenty of people saying they are more of a ‘bar’ person than a ‘club’ person.  The success of reality TV shows like TOWIE and Made In Chelsea contribute to this new...
Marketing for children.

Marketing for children.

Marketing for children. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you are a kids brand looking to raise awareness of your brand. You’re right to be considering the ethics affecting marketing for children! Companies who connect with younger, vulnerable audiences could face...