It’s no secret that social media is one of the most effective tools for enhancing your online presence. This being said, without a dedicated team, it can be tricky to stay consistent. That’s where our award-winning social media services come in handy!

At VerriBerri, we have provided social media services for over 15 years. As such, there is little we don’t know about establishing brands on these platforms. No matter your industry, our team know how to get you in front of your audience!


Creating Engaging and Shareable Content


Social media isn’t necessarily a place to sell. Although the main objective of marketing is to generate sales, this process generally takes a subtle approach to converting consumers. It’s all about making sure you’re in the right place, at the right time, and offer a suitable solution to your consumers pain points. Leave the hard sale to social media advertising!

The above being said, this doesn’t mean social media services won’t be effective in boosting more traffic to your website. It just has lots of other advantages too! For example, regularly posting on the likes of Instagram and TikTok will help you build a respected, memorable brand. When done well, it will also boost loyalty among your customers, generating repeat purchase and positive word of mouth.

Below, our social media specialists have shared some of the best types of posts for boosting engagement:


Relatable Content


The key to being successful on social media is in creating relatable and more importantly, shareable, content. This can be achieved by addressing customer pain points, sharing funny memes, or recreating popular TikTok videos. It’s important you stay relevant by hopping on trends straight away. In doing so, you can capitalise on the popularity and convert this into a loyal audience.

Check out some examples on our TikTok!


Sneak Peaks



People love feeling like they’re in the know. Equally, they also hate FOMO. Sharing sneak peaks of upcoming products or collections can be a great way to make people feel more involved and valued. Additionally, you can also work on building up a buzz around the product before it’s even launched!




One type of content we find incredibly useful for boosting engagement on social media is giveaways. Although this might not be suitable for every business that stumbles across this blog post, for those of you who it is, this can be a game-changer.

When posting a giveaway, it’s become a common trend that brands ask users to complete four separate tasks in order to enter. These are: Like the post, follow your account, comment on the content, and share your giveaway to their story. In asking for these actions to be completed, you’ll see an increase in both followers and engagement. It’s a win, win!


Industry/Company Insights


Sharing insights in your company culture is the perfect way to showcase your personality. Sharing about special occasions around the office (such as birthdays) and creating relatable reels with your team will help you to become more memorable.

Furthermore, sharing industry updates and commenting on relevant topics will help to boost your credibility. This showcases to your customers that you really are an expert and are clued up on your niche.


Why Posting Alone Isn’t Enough


When it comes to making it on social media, consistency is vital. This being said, posting on these platforms isn’t enough on its own. In addition, you also need to be engaging with your community. There are lots of different ways you can do this:

  • Responding to DM’s. More and more brands are utilising social media as a way to improve their customer service. Keeping on top of your direct messages and responding promptly will certainly win you some kudos!
  • Replying to Comments. Ignoring your customers isn’t going to earn you loyalty. Show them that you care by answering their questions and engaging in the comments section!
  • Following Like-minded Accounts. Following like-minded accounts and commenting on their posts is a great way to boost your visibility, especially when your accounts are small. When you invest in our social media services, our experts make sure time is spent connecting with industry leaders and potential customers.


Contact Us


Keen to grow your following on social media? Our team can help!

For more information on our social media services and affordable marketing packages, get in touch today. You can click here for our contact form or give us a call directly on 01376 386 850!