Google algorithm updates are frequent and as an SEO expert, the research never stops. Keeping on top of industry changes is a key part of our day-to-day, ensuring that our clients are always coming out at the top!


What is the Google Algorithm?


In order to ensure they are always supplying their users will relevant search results, Google use an algorithm. This determines what content users see for which searches and where it positions. It takes lots of different elements into consideration, such as the users location and searching habits, as well as looking at the quality of website content available.


Why is it Important?


Google’s algorithm holds all the power when it comes to online visibility for brands. If your website doesn’t adhere to their requirements, it’s unlikely that you’re going to be easily discoverable.

Search engine algorithms all aim to do one thing – provide the best experience for their customers. As such, they value content that is high-quality, helpful, and addresses key questions and pain points. The process of better aligning your website with their requirements is known as Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO.

For best results, businesses should work on optimising their current website copy alongside also creating new content, such as a blog. This content should provide the reader with value and address key questions they may have about your products or services.

Just a handful of examples of the kinds of things Google look out for, include:

  • A fast loading speed
  • Hyper relevant content
  • Accessibility compatibility (Eg. alt-text on images.)

The Latest Google Algorithm Updates


On the 5th March, Google announced that they were rolling out a huge core update. This is due to be completed by 10th April, but many are already finding that this is having an impact on their rankings.

Here’s everything you need to know so far…


Improved Ranking Criteria


In the latest algorithm update, Google are making changes to ensure the most relevant information surfaces. This will allow the search engine to better understand if website content could be more helpful, such as pages that claim to answer popular questions but actually fail to do so. This update will also help them to flag content that is purely made for search engines, not people.

It’s still unclear exactly how Google plan to improve their ranking criteria. This is likely to become much clearer once the roll out of the update is complete.


Goodbye AI


Ok so we’re being a little dramatic with this one, however it is thought that the latest Google algorithm updates are going to be targeting and penalising websites with low-quality, spammy content. It is speculated that this has come into play as a way of limiting the use of AI generated content that provides little value or is poorly written.

The search engine aims to reduce unhelpful and auto-generated content by 40% with their new update. This will help them to ensure their users find what they need much quicker, allowing them to maintain a high-quality service.


Reducing Spam


Just like with the above two changes, Google are also making adaptions to their spam policies to reduce abusive practises. This targets those who are uploading a high volume of information that lacks in quality, just to boost their visibility.

They are also cracking down on those who pay for guest posting on websites with strong site health. Whilst this may provide them with a high-quality backlink, for Google’s users, this kind of content can be misleading, irrelevant, and spammy.


Why You Need an SEO Agency


Google algorithm updates are frequent and keeping up to date with the latest knowledge can feel like a full-time job in itself. When you work with an agency like VerriBerri, however, you skip having to fork out for the time it takes to research. Ultimately, this makes the process both more cost and time effective.

Not only this, but SEO is also easily the most technical marketing option there is. As such, implementing this form of organic promotion requires a good understanding of websites, UX (user experience), and an ability to write high-quality content on a frequent basis. If this isn’t something you have time for, it might be the right time to consider bringing onboard an external agency.

Working with VerriBerri


Struggling to get to grips with the new Google algorithm updates? Keen to get your website ranking on the first page? We can help!

Drop us an email by clicking here or give us a call today on 01376 386 850.