In the vast landscape of digital communication, distinguishing between human and artificial intelligence (AI) crafted content has become an increasingly challenging task. With the rise of advanced language models like ChatGPT, it has become more testing to discern whether the words on the screen are crafted by human intellect or a machine algorithm. As such, AI and ChatGPT in marketing has become a hot topic of conversation.

Here at VerriBerri, our human marketers would like to delve into the intricacies of identifying AI-generated text and explore the limitations of using ChatGPT.


Identifying AI-Generated Content


Repetitiveness and Lack of Creativity


One of the initial indicators of AI-generated text lies in its tendency to be repetitive and lacking in genuine creativity. While AI models like ChatGPT excel in generating coherent sentences, they may struggle to produce truly innovative ideas or original content. If you notice recurring patterns or clichéd phrases, it’s likely the work of AI as it can become reliant on templates.


Contextual Understanding


Human writers tend to inject personal experiences and emotional nuances into their writing, something that current AI models find challenging to replicate convincingly. We can understand context and seamlessly weave information into a cohesive narrative.

On the other hand, AI models can struggle to maintain context throughout a conversation. If you notice abrupt shifts in tone or content without proper transitions, this can be indicative of AI involvement. 


Overuse of Complex Vocabulary


AI and ChatGPT in marketing are trained on vast datasets that encompass a wide range of topics and vocabulary. However, they may overuse complex terms or jargon, often inappropriately. Humans usually strive for clarity and simplicity in communication; therefore, an excessive reliance on intricate language may betray the involvement of AI.


Consistency and Perfection


One of the subtle indicators of AI-generated text is its flawless nature. Unlike humans, AI models do not make typos or grammatical errors unless they have been deliberately programmed to introduce errors for a more authentic touch. Unwavering perfection and lack of colloquial language can be a giveaway.


Lack of Personality


Humans can add a personal touch to their writing. We’re able to reflect on our unique perspectives, emotions and biases. ChatGPT lacks in personality and might produce content that feels devoid of genuine human expression or character.


Limitations of AI and ChatGPT in Marketing


Whilst there are some advantages to using AI models in marketing, such as fast customer data processing and the ability to further optimise marketing campaigns; we believe the drawbacks far outweigh the advantages. Here are some disadvantages that every business should consider:


Ethical Concerns and Bias


AI models, including ChatGPT, learn from diverse datasets. However, these may inadvertently include societal biases or controversial information. Consequently, the generated content may reflect existing biases, raising ethical concerns about the impact of AI on shaping public opinion and perpetuating stereotypes.


Inability to Fact-Check


While ChatGPT can provide information on a wide range of topics, it does not possess the ability to fact-check or verify the accuracy of the information it produces. Users must exercise caution and cross-verify information obtained from AI-generated sources to check for inaccuracies or misleading content. 


Sensitivity to Input Phrasing


ChatGPT can be highly sensitive to the phrasing of input queries. A slightly rephrased question may yield different responses, indicating a lack of true comprehension and robustness in the model’s output. This disadvantage showcases the model’s reliance on patterns rather than fully understanding a user’s query.


Lack of Inherent Knowledge


ChatGPT relies solely on pre-existing data and lacks real-time awareness or access to current information. This means it might provide outdated or inaccurate responses, especially in rapidly evolving fields. Subsequently, users should be cautious when seeking the latest information from AI models.


Risks of Plagiarism


Another problem with using AI and ChatGPT in marketing is the potential to commit plagiarism. The technology draws information from written articles and visuals from online search engines to create new content for your brand. However, these could be under copyright protection, meaning your work could be breaching violations. Not to mention, plagiarism will also negatively impact your search engine optimisation (SEO) value too.


Absence of Brand Voice


Whilst AI is expected to drive significant change in business operations and marketing, it lacks the creativity and experience of professional copywriters and graphic designers. Ultimately, the goal of any marketing strategy is to encourage your target audience along the buyer’s funnel; from the brand awareness stage to becoming a loyal customer. Unfortunately, AI models cannot understand your target market and their unique pain points. Moreover, it also doesn’t know how to encourage your audience further along the buyer’s journey or implement your brand’s voice.


The Digital Revolution


There’s no doubt about it, AI language models are becoming more advanced as our technology evolves. This means identifying AI-generated content requires a keen eye for subtle patterns and an understanding of the inherent limitations. As a result, addressing these restraints and striving for more transparent and ethical AI development is crucial.

Users and developers alike must be vigilant in their interactions with AI-generated content, ensuring a balance between the benefits of these powerful tools and the potential risks they pose to the integrity of information and communication.


Get in Touch


For the most part, we’re not denying the advantages that AI and ChatGPT in marketing can offer. However, it will never replace the need for human connection and creativity that helps your brand to thrive.

VerriBerri, established in 2009, is a multi-award-winning marketing agency near London. We take pride in seeing our clients’ businesses grow through innovative and bespoke marketing strategies. 

Are you passionate about taking your brand to the next level? Contact our marketing experts today on 01376 386850 or click here to visit our contact page.