In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Pinterest has emerged as a powerful platform. Not only for individuals seeking inspiration, but also for businesses aiming to showcase their products in a visual way. With over 463 million monthly active users, marketing on Pinterest offers a unique opportunity for brands to connect with their target audience and drive engagement.

In this comprehensive guide, our experts will explore the world of Pinterest marketing, unveiling key strategies to help businesses leverage the platform effectively and maximise brand reach.


Understanding Pinterest


Pinterest is a visual discovery and bookmarking search engine that allows users to find and save ideas, or Pins, for various interests. The platform is organised into visual Boards, where users can curate and categorise content based on their individual preferences. Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest relies heavily on images, making it an ideal space for businesses with visually appealing products or services.

A Guide to Pinterest for Businesses


Creating a Business Account


Creating a business account should always be the first step if you’re looking to perform marketing on Pinterest. This provides access to valuable analytics and advertising features. However, you need to ensure that your profile is fully optimised with a high-quality profile picture, a concise and compelling bio, and a link to your website. This establishes trust and credibility with potential customers.


Optimising Your Boards


Pins are saved on virtual bulletins known as Boards. Creating well-organised and visually appealing boards is crucial for attracting and retaining followers. Use descriptive titles and write relevant keyword-rich descriptions to enhance discoverability. Your content needs to align with your brand identity and resonate with your target audience for the best possible results.


Curating Compelling Pins


Pins are at the heart of Pinterest marketing. These can include images, infographics, step-by-step guides, and videos. Here at VerriBerri, our designers can help you to create eye-catching and visually stunning content to stand out against your competitors. Ensure that your pins are clear, high-resolution, and optimised for mobile viewing, as a significant portion of Pinterest users access the platform through their phones. Also, you need to remember to include concise and engaging descriptions with relevant keywords to boost your visibility. 


Leveraging Rich Pins


Rich Pins provide additional information directly on the pin itself, making it more informative and engaging. There are several different types of Rich Pins; including product pins, recipe pins, and article pins. Implementing Rich Pins not only enhances the user experience, but they also provide valuable information at a quick glance.


Strategic Pin Descriptions


Crafting compelling pin descriptions is essential for search engine optimisation on Pinterest. Use relevant keywords naturally within your descriptions, providing context and encouraging users to engage. Consider including a call-to-action (CTA) to guide users on what to do next, whether it’s visiting your website or making a purchase.


Consistent Branding


It’s important to maintain consistent branding across your Pinterest profile to become more recognisable for your customers. This includes using a cohesive colour palette, consistent typography, and a recognisable style, as well as maintaining your unique brand voice throughout. Effective branding helps users identify your content easily and reinforces your brand’s identity.


Engaging with the Community


Pinterest is a social platform and engagement is essential for long-term success. Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments, liking, and repinning content from others in your niche, and participating in group boards. Building a sense of community around your brand fosters loyalty and helps to build trust amongst your audience. 


Utilising Pinterest Analytics


Pinterest offers robust analytics tools for business accounts to track the performance of your pins and boards. Regularly monitor your analytics to gain insights into your impressions, clicks, and engagement to understand what content resonates with your target audience most effectively. Use these metrics to identify trends, understand your audience demographics, and adjust your strategy accordingly. Analytics data helps you refine your approach for better results from marketing on Pinterest


Pinterest Advertising


You can significantly amplify your reach and engagement with Pinterest’s paid advertising feature – Promoted Pins. These are native ads that appear in a users feed and search results, providing a targeted advertising solution. Pinterest’s ad targeting options can help you to reach specific demographics, as well as people with specific interests or behaviours. Set clear goals, define your target audience, and allocate a monthly budget for your advertising campaigns. With a well-optimised advertising campaign, you can drive website traffic, increase brand awareness and see a greater return on investment (ROI).


Collaborating with Influencers


Influencer marketing on Pinterest can be highly effective. Identify influencers in your niche with a substantial following and collaborate with them to create and share content related to your products or services. Influencers allow you to introduce your brand to a wider audience and boosts credibility within your industry.


Integrating E-commerce


For brands selling products, Pinterest offers a seamless shopping experience through features like Shop the Look and Product Pins. Integrate your e-commerce platform with Pinterest to enable users to purchase products directly through the platform, creating an effortless and user-friendly shopping experience.


Scheduling Your Pins


Consistency is key on Pinterest. Use the analytics tools to develop a posting schedule that aligns with your audience’s peak activity and engagement times. After all, the platform’s algorithm rewards consistent and regular activity, so aiming for a mix of fresh pins and repins can help to keep your content flowing.


Marketing on Pinterest


Pinterest marketing is a dynamic and visually-driven strategy that can yield substantial results for businesses. Whether you’re a small business or large company, Pinterest provides a unique opportunity to showcase your brand and products creatively. As the platform continues to evolve, staying informed about new features and trends will be crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the digital marketing landscape. 


Contact Us


If you’re keen to find out more about marketing on Pinterest, get in touch with our specialists today on 01376 386850 or click here to message the VerriBerri team directly.