So, you’ve decided that you may need the help of a digital marketing agency Witham like VerriBerri. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be reading this blog in the first place! But when it comes to choosing an agency, how do you know which will work best for you? There’s no shortage of marketing companies around, and it’s often difficult to differentiate one from the next. It’s no wonder that this decision can quickly become overwhelming. After all, it’s your business’s future that you’re trusting someone else with. So how can you tell who will do the best job? 

At the end of the day, you won’t truly know the value of an agency until you start working with them. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be any tell-tale signs you should keep an eye out for. But before we get into that, first, a little about us! 


Who We Are


At VerriBerri, a digital marketing agency Witham, we’re pretty confident in saying that marketing and PR are our specialities. After all, with over 14 years of experience, we’ve helped countless brands grow and prosper through effective and engaging marketing. But why should you take our word for it? Well, for a start, our dedication to providing the best has earned us multiple awards along the way. Not only this, but we’ve also built an exceptional reputation as well. If we still can’t convince you, however, why not read what our clients have to say? 

Anyway, now that you know who we are, let’s really get into this. Here are a few characteristics you should be looking out for right from the beginning. 




When you’re working with any outside help, agency or not, a strong level of trust and communication is paramount. It’s important to remember that you’re handing over an element of your business to people you know very little about. For many business owners, this can be an incredibly uncomfortable prospect, and understandably so. After all, you’ve built your brand from the ground up and this may be the first time you’ve had to relinquish any amount of control. Assuming the agency you’re working with keeps communication as the top priority, however, it goes a long way in giving you the peace of mind you may need. 

At VerriBerri, we put transparency above all else. It’s something we’ve always prided ourselves on. This means taking the time to keep you fully updated at all times, whether that’s with regular catch ups or producing monthly reports detailing our progress and plans for the following month. 


A Proven Track Record 


Let’s be honest, you’re not going to work with an agency with no previous clients or experience in the industry. Assuming you don’t know them personally, that is. It’s only natural that businesses want to boast about their wins, no matter how small they may be. Whether that’s smashing sales records, or just receiving a nice customer testimonial, it’s pretty much always the case. If a digital marketing agency Witham isn’t doing this, maybe it’s worth thinking about why that may be! 




I don’t think anybody will argue with the fact that experience doesn’t guarantee results. That being said, however, it certainly does go a long way. Certain aspects of marketing such as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) take years to get to grips with. Without the sufficient experience in these areas, your marketing won’t be as effective as what it can be. Considering this, it’s certainly worth taking a look at the agency’s previous work before committing. 




Especially if your brand is operating in a niche industry, this is something you should pay particular attention to. After all, if the agency you’re working with has no pre-existing knowledge of your sector, how effective can they be? You’re going to want to choose a marketing company who have first-hand experience working with clients within your field. At VerriBerri, this is something we have by the bucketload. Our portfolio of clients spans a diverse variety of industries, from beauty and fashion to architecture and technology. Whatever niche your business is, we can help! 


Integrated Services 


Say you’re working with an agency specialising in only a single aspect of marketing, whether that’s PR or whatever else. It’s going well, but you realise you also need help with your social media. You’ve now got a few options. Firstly, you could always trust them to run your socials with minimal experience, but that’s a recipe for disaster. Alternatively, you’ll have to go through the entire process of whittling down the right agency again.  

There is a third solution, however, which is without a doubt the most effective. Look for an integrated, multi-service agency like VerriBerri from the get-go! We provide specialist support to our clients across all aspects of marketing. Some of these areas include social media, SEO, PR, graphic design, and influencer marketing. We can help your brand benefit from much more well-rounded campaigns, encompassing many different marketing aspects without compromising on quality.


Comfortable Contracts 


There’s nothing worse than signing a year-long contract only to discover your marketing agency doesn’t know what they’re doing. People don’t want to lock themselves into these long agreements anymore, especially with how unpredictable the past few years have been. That’s why our maximum contract length is just 6 months! If our clients choose to stay longer than this (and many have), it’s because of the great results we’ve provided for them. We wouldn’t have it any other way! 


Contact our Digital Marketing Agency Witham 


If you’re looking for an agency which fits all of this criterion, look no further than VerriBerri. If you’re interested in finding out more about the services we offer, and how we can help your business succeed, get in touch! To reach our digital marketing agency Witham, call us today on 01376 386 850. Alternatively, just click here! With accolades such as ‘Best Marketing & PR Agency’ under our belt, when working with VerriBerri, you can be confident you’re in safe hands.