These days, more consumers than ever are turning to digital channels for information and entertainment. This shift has created a need for businesses to adapt their marketing strategies. At VerriBerri – an agency which specialises in content marketing in Maldon – we know a thing or two about this. To stay relevant, you must reach your target audience where they are spending their time – online. If this is something you’re struggling with, our team is ready to help! 


But why is content marketing important? 


Well, for starters, it’s undeniably one of the most effective methods of increasing brand visibility. Content marketing provides valuable information and entertainment to the people who actually want to engage with it. However, many businesses make the mistake of assuming any old content will suffice, regardless of its quality. Think about this scenario for a second. Say you were looking to hire a contractor, for example. You open Google, search for “contractor near me,” and click on the first result. What you find is a website littered with spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar, and blurry images. What do you do? Chances are, you will click off and look somewhere else. 

That’s the power of quality content! Poorly written, poorly designed content can damage your reputation and drive away potential customers. Content marketing done right, on the other hand, showcases your expertise, builds trust, and strengthens your brand. Delivering high-quality content is crucial to attract and retain customers, establish industry leadership, and drive business growth. An agency specialising in content marketing in Maldon like VerriBerri can help you achieve these goals. But how do we go about doing this? 


Blog Writing 


Ask any marketing specialist and they’ll tell you the same thing. Blogs are one of the most vital components of any marketing strategy. They allow a business to share information on a regular basis that is useful and relevant to their target audience. By doing so, you can show off your expertise and authority within the industry which you operate in. This could range from industry news and insights to educational content surrounding the services or products you offer. Whatever you speak about, however, ensure you do it with confidence. If people are looking for services similar to your business’s, well-written content is far more likely to spark their interest.  


Content and SEO 


Following on from our previous point, blogs also present another benefit. This time, it’s from an SEO perspective. Standing for Search Engine Optimisation, SEO is one of the best ways of propelling your website up the SERPs. Another acronym, I know! SERPs are search engine results pages – in other words, the results that are displayed when you type anything into Google.  

When you’re preparing content for your website, one thing you should always be considering is the keywords you rank for. These are relatively straightforward to identify – just think about what you would search to find your business. Once you’ve collected these, the next step is to carefully place them within your content. And no, before you even consider it, this doesn’t mean throwing in 20 or 30 all over the place. Google knows when you’re trying to cheat the system, and doing this can prove extremely harmful to your SEO value.  

Everything you put together must also cohere profusely to Google’s everchanging algorithm. This can be an extremely challenging and time-consuming concept to get your head around. More info about this can be found by clicking here. SEO isn’t something you can learn overnight. It requires a deep understanding of how search engines work and how users interact with online content. That’s why working with experts in content marketing in Maldon like VerriBerri can give you the upper hand. 


Social Media 


Contrary to what most people believe, running all your business’s social media profiles alongside your regular day-to-day work isn’t easy. Well, if you’re doing it properly, that is. With 4.89 billion users worldwide, the potential exposure and visibility social media can provide for your business mustn’t be underestimated.  

With many businesses working across Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more, creating fresh, engaging content can be highly time-consuming. So much so in fact, that for many businesses, quality is often skimped to get any old thing out. Low-quality content, however, can quickly turn off your audience and lead to decreased engagement and a tarnished reputation. These are the last things you want for your business. 

By working with VerriBerri, we can help keep all your social feeds authentic, nuanced, and engaging. There’s no getting around the fact, however, that this takes a lot of work, skill, and dedication. Whether you’re looking to strengthen brand awareness, drive conversions, or simply develop your relationship with your audience, VerriBerri can help. 

Graphic Design & Visuals 


When producing content for your website and socials, anyone can grab a stock image. In fact, most do! After a while, people get tired of seeing the same old selection of images plastered across thousands of different websites. How you can really set your business aside, however, is by integrating custom-made graphics into your feeds and blog posts. Using a striking infographic to spark discussion in the comments – that’s where people will really start to notice you!  

Aside from making you stand out; well-designed content and platforms also work to bolster brand recognition as well. The more people see your brand colours, logo and style, the more they remember you. Further down the line, it could even reach a point where people begin to associate these things with your brand. Think Cadbury’s distinctive Panton 2865c. Brand-specific graphics and unique colour combos can go a long way towards making your brand well-known. 


Contact our content marketing agency 


Whilst we’ve only delved into a few aspects of content marketing here, this is by no means an exhaustive list. If you’d like to find out more about our content marketing in Maldon, get in touch with our specialist team! To reach us, click here, or otherwise give us a call on 01376 386 850 today.