When it comes to marketing for pet brands, you know that your consumers are animal owners. This being said, with such a broad audience, how do you ensure that your message doesn’t end up becoming too diluted? Without a targeted communications strategy, combined with niche industry knowledge, you simply won’t reach the right people.

Based in Essex, VerriBerri are a passionate, experienced, and most of all, trusted, marketing agency. Specialising in the promotion of pet brands, we can help you to build fool proof campaigns targeted at different segments of your market. Our techniques are proven to help businesses grow through increased sales and improved credibility.


How does marketing for pet brands differ from advertising?


Some brands come to us mistaking our services for advertising. While we can implement certain elements of this for you (social and Google ads), our specialists like to focus on organic promotion. In other words, marketing.

Not quite sure how the two differ? Although the main aim of both marketing and advertising is ultimately a growth in sales, the approach is where the main differences lie. Marketing is a less pushy way of promoting your products and increasing sales. People tend to respond better to this style due to its subtle nature. What’s more, it’s also a much cheaper option for businesses too!

On the other hand, whist advertising is proven to work, it is a much more invasive tactic. Moreover, it’s also incredibly expensive. This often makes it unobtainable for smaller businesses, allowing the multinational conglomerates to continue dominating the market.


What we do


Good news! When it comes to marketing for pet brands, there are many different routes you can go down in order to hit your desired goals. These include:




Branding is one aspect of marketing that businesses often forget about. In actual fact, it’s vital that you get your image spot on if you want your campaigns to go far.

Branding incorporates lots of different elements. These include your logo, key colours, typography, tagline, tone of voice, and key messaging. Your image should stay consistent throughout everything you do and all the marketing materials you produce. This will help you well on your way to better brand awareness and familiarity, allowing you to become a household name.

The graphics team here at VerriBerri is made up of two fantastic graphic designers. Working in collaboration with one another, their wealth of experience allows different brands to develop their image appropriately. Whether you’re starting from scratch or just looking for a quick refresh, we can get your branding tip top, ready for your ongoing marketing strategy.


Social media marketing


Social media should be at the centre of every pet brand marketing strategy, putting a heavy focus on connecting with your audience. When done well, a strong online presence helps brands to secure loyal customers and generate higher levels of repeat purchase. Not to mention, this can work wonders for your credibility too!

Our social media experts work around the clock to ensure all of our client’s online profiles are optimised for maximum results and running smoothly. From producing high-quality media and choosing the best hashtags, to engaging with the right people, we’ll manage the entire process from start to finish.


PR & influencer marketing


Another element of marketing and communications that deserves some consideration is PR. This is all about utilising platforms with existing loyal audiences to promote your brand and generate sales. When people hear public relations, they instantly think of the press. Whilst this is a big part of what our communications experts do, we’ll also seek opportunities for you on the radio, within relevant podcasts, and even on the television.

Alongside PR, if your brand sells tangible products, why not invest in influencer marketing? This is an incredibly lucrative technique as many brands are already seeing. Instagram and TikTok are bursting at the seams with animal influencers. This means plenty of potential for you to reach pet owners whilst generating positive word of mouth.

PR and influencer marketing are incredibly successful in helping brands reach new corners of their market. What’s more, these techniques will also help your website performance, as well as improving your authority within the bustling pet industry.




Search engine optimisation (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) are two different types of search engine marketing (SEM). In laments terms, these techniques help brands work towards improving awareness by boosting the visibility of their websites.

SEO is an organic form of marketing and the best option for long-term results when it comes to your websites performance. Meanwhile, PPC (non-organic) is great for short-term fixes and quick boosts in sales. Ideally, businesses should be investing in both areas and running them alongside each other. This being said, where budget is tighter, it’s important to have clear goals so that you can determine your route forward.

Both forms of SEM are incredibly powerful, giving brands the power to grow their business. For optimum results and greater efficiency, we recommend onboarding a team of experts to help with this form of marketing for pet brands. As two of the most intricate promotional techniques, it’s never advisable that people attempt SEO or PPC without prior experience. This can, in fact, end up doing a lot more harm than good. That’s where we come in!


Contact us


Keen to get our innovative and passionate team involved in your next marketing project? No matter where your brand is in its lifecycle, we can help you to put your foot on the accelerator when it comes to sales.

For more information on working with VerriBerri and marketing for pet brands, get in touch with our specialists today. Just click here or call us on 01376 386 850.