Here at VerriBerri, we understand the true importance behind having a strong, well-rounded digital marketing campaign. Not only is this a great way to reach your consumers, but your marketing will also have a hugely positive impact on your image too. In other words, a strong strategy will help you make an impact, and who doesn’t want that?

The last 18 months have been tricky for everyone, but especially us business owners. With many of us limited by the pandemic in one way or another, you’re probably keen to recuperate some of the losses. If this is the case, our team are happy to help!


The importance of marketing at the right time

As a business, marketing should be a project that you are constantly putting your time into. Having a strong online presence or good SEO value is always handy, no matter the season. However, there are certain months where you might want to ramp things up, and when this is the case, it’s important you do. For many organisations, Christmas is one of their busiest times. For others, it’s all about Valentine’s Day.

Whilst marketing can be great for getting you out of a slump, it can also be incredibly lucrative when used during your busy periods too. Boosting your campaigns during this time is a trick that many businesses fail to take advantage of. Don’t let this be you.

What we do

To give you a bit of background, here at VerriBerri, a multi-award-winning agency, we have specialised in marketing since 2009. As a fully integrated firm, we offer businesses support within a variety of niches. These include…

  • Social media marketing and management
  • Public relations
  • Influencer and affiliate marketing
  • Internal communications
  • Search engine marketing (SEO & PPC)
  • Crisis communications
  • Event management
  • Graphic design and branding
  • Website development

Building a comprehensive strategy

When it comes to running a successful digital marketing campaign, creating your strategy is a vital step. Think of this as your plan of action. It tells the team behind your project what it is that you want to achieve, and how you propose that you get there. In other words, it gives them direction.

Like with many things, building a strategy isn’t as easy as it may at first sound. In fact, this process takes real dedication and isn’t something you can afford to cut corners with. There are lots of different things you need to consider.

So that you can ensure your strategy is as well-rounded as possible, below, our team have listed a few areas you need to draw your focus on…

  • The competition: No matter your industry or how experienced you are, there is always something you can learn from those around you. When it comes to marketing, it often pays to look into your fellow competitors. What works well for them? What might you want to avoid?
  • Your budget: It’s no secret that marketing costs money. Before getting too carried away, make sure that you have a clear idea on budget for planning your digital marketing campaign. 
  • Consumer Alignment: If we were to offer one piece of advice to any business, it would be to not get caught up thinking that you need to be everywhere. Realistically, your brand only needs to be present where your consumers are. Do some research and get to know them better.

Still not sure where to start? When it comes to strategizing, our team are experts! Why not get in touch?

Why is an integrated agency the best choice?

Let us start by saying that when it comes to choosing marketing professionals, there is no right or wrong way to go about things. Plenty of organisations utilise different firms for different elements of their strategy. If this works for you, perfect. However, for many of you, you might just find that utilising an integrated agency is far more cost and time effective. When handing over your marketing to an outside company, it’s important you are able to stay in the loop. As you can imagine, communicating between multiple external teams can be a nightmare. We know that when you run your own business, there are lots of different individuals that you need to be touching base with.

By utilising one firm for every element of your digital marketing campaign, this limits the time you need to spend liaising with your partners. What’s more, lots of different marketing techniques intertwine themselves with one another in some way. For example, PR is needed to generate backlinks, which in turn, boosts your SEO and so on. When you utilise a full-service agency, you benefit from a high level of synergy between departments. This, of course, helps to ensure that your campaigns are well-rounded and generating the highest ROI possible.

What to do when things go wrong

Lots of organisations fall into the trap of thinking they’re immune when it comes to crisis. In reality, unless you have a strategy in place, you’re incredibly vulnerable. 

Crisis disguises itself in many forms. From mishandled staff situations and the odd negative review, right the way through to a product recall, the opportunity for things to go wrong is everywhere. Whilst the internet and social media are a wonderful thing 90% of the time, these platforms allows negativity around a brand to spread like wildfire.

As we mentioned earlier, crisis management is another service that our team provides to businesses in need. Should you find yourselves in hot water, it’s our job to cool things off. With a long list of quality contacts, we can limit the fallout of negative press. What’s more, we’ll also focus our energy on pushing out positive stories to overshadow anything potentially detrimental.

Contact our team of experts today!

Interested in knowing more about our team here at VerriBerri? We’d love to chat about working with you on your next big venture! Whether you’re starting from scratch with your digital marketing campaign, or just looking for a revamp of your current strategy, we can help!

To get in touch, just click here!