At VerriBerri, a health and wellbeing SEO agency, we know that the industry is frequently developing. The recent pandemic has seen a rise in people looking to take better care of their mental and physical health. It can be hard to get yourself seen amongst the many emerging wellbeing products and services – that is where our SEO expertise come in.

The VerriBerri team can also offer a range of other services in addition to SEO. These include: 

  • Public relations. (PR)
  • Social media management. (SMM)
  • Crisis management.
  • Event management.
  • Graphic design – branding/rebranding and web development.
  • Business development.


What Is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation and refers to the process of developing your website to help you rank better online. It helps you get ahead of your competitors, building the organic traffic to your site. SEO is very technical and isn’t something that can be self-taught. At our health and wellbeing SEO agency, we can provide high-quality optimisation of your website and content, without the London price tag. 

SEO Stats

To understand why SEO is so important to you and your brand, we have to look at the search engine facts.

  • It is estimated that 2 trillion Google searches are made per year across the world.
  • 66% of these searches resulted in one or more clicks on the results page.
  • 34% of total searches produced no clicks at all.
  • SEO generates 20 times the number of traffic opportunities than PPC does.

Web spiders

No, we don’t mean actual spiders! Web spiders or ‘crawlers’ are bots. They get their name due to the fact they ‘crawl’ the (worldwide) web – just like real spiders do. Unlike typical bots, these ones are a vital part of allowing your webpage to rise the search engine rankings. Each search engine has their own crawler: Googlebot (Google), Bingpot (bing), Yandex bot (Yandex Russian search engine), Baid Spider (Chinese search engine). Our health and wellbeing SEO agency focuses on Google and their Googlebot.Crawlers look for lots of little things within your content. Firstly, all your content must be kept up to date, as crawlers regularly check sites for new additions. They can then index a website based on the metadata available. A meta title and meta description will not only tell a search engine what a webpage is about, but they will also be visible to a user on Google.

A meta description is the small snippet of information a user will see on the SERP before they decide to click on a website. The number of visitors to a website also affects its rankings. If your page has more clicks, the algorithm will determine it to be more relevant to a user’s search. High visitor numbers demonstrate to the bots that your website contains reliable and trustworthy information. It will note that users may benefit from clicking your page and will rank you higher on the SERP. 

Optimising Content

When it comes to providing fresh content for your website, our health and wellbeing SEO agency have you covered. As we mentioned previously, the algorithm wants to see specific details within written content on a webpage. This will help determine the relevance of your site. There are a few key components to optimising your content for SEO purposes.


These words or phrases should align with what users are typing into the search bar. Narrowing them down and curating a list helps to keep your content focused. You can then pick keywords to add to blogs, titles, webpages and metadata to increase the SEO value. 
Try to avoid keyword stuffing. This term refers to the practice of filling a webpage with your target phrases too often. Although this may seem like the ideal way to boost your page, it actually has the opposite effect. It creates an unpleasant user experience and will increase your risk of getting a Google penalty, meaning your website will not appear on the SERP.


Obviously, the words you use in your content are important, but so is sentence structure. Google likes to see a variety of sentence lengths. Not only does it show that your content is of high-quality, but it also improves readability for the user. This increases their time spent on your site. If your content is hard to read or doesn’t flow well, a user is more likely to exit the page to find the information somewhere else. The best sentence length for SEO is below 20 syllables.

This doesn’t mean every sentence you write has to fit these criteria, it’s just a general guideline. Overall, content must be easy to read. If you are struggling to vary your sentence lengths, read your work out loud. This allows you to see whether sentences need a comma and to see where they naturally end. 

Backlinking is really important when it comes to SEO. There are two types that come into play. Internal links are links in your own content that redirect a user to another web page on your site. Backlinks or inbound links are those that can be found on other websites, leading to yours. Crawlers look through webpages, they will find hyperlinks to others. Webpages that are cited by other websites alert the algorithm that it contains accurate, high quality information. This will increase the likelihood of Google recommending your website to their users as they know you can be trusted and that your content will help answer the query.

Get In Touch With Us

Still not sure how to navigate the world of SEO and want to rise in the rankings? Our health and wellbeing SEO agency can help. We can provide high-quality optimisation of your content, so you don’t have to worry about the technical details. If you feel like you could benefit from the services VerriBerri can provide, get in touch with our team today! Click here to contact us.