How A Business To Business PR Agency Reveals New Areas Of Growth
There’s a distinct difference between B2B and B2C. This is a difference which few people seem to fully grasp. In a way, it’s like what LinkedIn is like when compared with Instagram. If your business is heavily industry-specific- the construction industry for example- then lots of your clients will come from business to business interactions as opposed to business to consumer ones.
If you’re a high-rise property development company, your marketing isn’t primarily going to be centred around accessing mainstream media publications. You’d want to appear in industry specific magazines to network and attract other leading industry professionals for future projects. The team here at VerriBerri, a leading business to business PR agency in Essex, wanted to look at the intricacies surrounding B2B PR and why so many companies are missing out.
The Trade Magazines,
We’ve all waltzed down the aisles of a WHSmith. Jaws agape in wonderment at the sheer variety and specificity of all the different trade magazines on offer. What to the average Joe may seem like a niche read is almost always incredibly lucrative to feature in. These magazines are trusted within industry circles and their reputation acts as a sort of watermark of quality. Before a business to business PR agency does anything in terms of pitching to journalists; they’ll first get to know your business. PR teams aren’t experts in every single industry, so they’d rather take the time to properly learn what it is they’re pitching.
As a rule, never trust a PR team that want to get cracking straight away. Look for those who take a week or two to sit and learn all about the intricacies of your company. It’ll serve you much better in the long run. Once this learning process is complete, PR teams will launch into pitching to industry-specific journalists on behalf of your company. They’ll pair their natural flair for writing with the technical jargon and salient points of your company’s service. This proves a potent combination and you’ll subsequently secure articles and features in trade magazines that would’ve previously seemed impossible to access without the help of a PR team. Above anything else, with a more technical company you want people to be reading about you in their workplace.
Don’t Rule Out The Mainstream Altogether
Whilst the B2B publications should be your focus; there’s certainly no harm a bit of additional exposure, the kind of increased coverage that a mainstream magazine or paper will offer you. This is because whilst it’s most important to be reputable within your industry’s leading circles; being one of the few companies in the industry to be known to the public solidifies your brand strength further.
If you can get those very same people that are reading about you in the trade magazines also reading about you in the national press, then they have no choice but to start taking notice. Your business begins to nestle nicely in the backs of people’s minds, and your standing and renown increases. For a business to business PR agency, the mainstream media pitching is nice and easy for them; they can dial back on the jargon and let their natural talent for writing shine through. For any niche and industry-specific company the best PR strategy attacking a combination of both styles of publication.
A B2B PR Agency Does More Than Just PR
As an industry-geared platform, there are none better than LinkedIn. Social media isn’t just for millennials and their pals. It’s a remarkably effective means of networking and connecting with other like-minded professionals. Most people don’t know how to effectively utilise LinkedIn to their advantage however. Simply being on the platform will not equate to tangible returns for your business. The connections aren’t going to form themselves! You have to make a concerted effort as a company to do the networking. You also need to make sure your own profile conveys the level of professionalism you want it to in terms of appearance. People judge with their eyes. So, if they see a bare profile that’s not kept on top of; then there’ll be far less inclined to pursue a line of communication with your business.
On the other hand, if someone clicks on your profile and sees regular posting. Or, links to blogs and industry articles (in which you feature) and a comprehensive number of connections, they’re ears are going to prick up all of a sudden.Many good business do poorly because they neglect LinkedIn whilst many poor ones do better than they should because they put in even the most basic legwork. You want to be one of those companies who have a fantastic service that’s highlighted and emphasised by your profile.
If you struggle with social media, then a business to business PR agency is a savvy bet. Their secondary remit is almost always social media management. This is because it goes so hand in hand with main PR work. They can schedule content as well as take care of the network-building for your business! This also helps eliminate what is at times a tedious task. Now, you can continue to focus on the more pressing elements of your business.
Contact us
There are so many components to an effective PR strategy. It’s long and hard work, and for every pitch that you see secured, you fail to see the countless others that didn’t quite make the cut. In spite of this, though, PR teams love nothing more than to help your business grow to its fullest potential.
So, if you’d like to find out more about our business to business PR agency, then get in touch! Contact VerriBerri today on 01376 386 850. We’d be interested to see which directions your brand wants to go down! If you’ve always struggled to reach the next tier up as a business; then a PR team may be just what you need.