When it comes to marketing, there is an endless need for stunning visuals and branded documents. As such, a team of experts is a must-have if you want your campaigns to convert. On the lookout for graphic design in Essex? Our team are here to help you optimise your campaigns, no matter your design requirements!

The Importance of Design

Graphic design and branding are crucial for several different reasons and will drastically help you to boost your marketing efforts. Here are just a couple of the main benefits…

First Impressions


Having strong branding that is consistent and unique, will help you to make a good first impression. Your branding and website are often the first interaction people will have with your business. As such, making sure they’re accurately portraying your brand and its expertise is crucial.

Branding isn’t just simply your logo. It’s also your:

  • Tagline
  • Brand name
  • Tone of voice
  • Key colours
  • Website


Setting the Tone


Potential customers should be able to get a good grasp on what your brand specialises in with a quick glance at your logo. This should also signify what your company stands for too. For example, eco-friendly brands may incorporate earthy tones into their branding to signify their sustainability values. Our branding packages will allow you to set the right tone for your business. Our design team will work with you to understand your goals and values, working alongside you to create assets that signify these important elements.


Brand Identity & Recognition


When you think of well-known brands such as McDonalds, Adidas, or Superdrug, their logos and branding are often ingrained in our memory. That is a sign of a strong brand identity. When you work alongside our team specialising in graphic design in Essex, we can help you to develop a brand that is memorable, helping you to become a go-to, trusted specialist within your industry.


Customer Experience


We’ve all been guilty of purchasing an item or supporting a particular brand because we’re drawn in by their packaging, website, or social media. This is because good branding feeds into your customer experience and helps to shape their perceptions of your business. Of course, their interactions with your team also matter but branding can go a long way in laying the right foundations.


What We Can Help With


Our graphic design team are able to turn their hand to any project, no matter how big or small.

Branding Guidelines


Are you a start-up looking for full branding to get your business up and running? Or perhaps you’re an established business looking to refresh your image? No matter where you are in the business lifecycle, our team can help you to create comprehensive branding guidelines that set the right tone for your organisation. From logo design to name ideation, we’ve got you covered!


Business Cards

Attending an event or got an important meeting on the horizon? Our team can help you to design business cards for you and your team, adding an extra element of professionalism. First impressions are important!

Packaging Mock-ups


Looking for someone experienced in packaging design? Our team can help you to create eye-catching and enticing mock-ups for your products, allowing you to make some noise within your industry.


Website Mock-ups


Building a new website for your business but unsure of how to perfect your user journey? Our team can help by creating mock-ups for your website that can be passed along to your developer, speeding up the process and ensuring you make a real impact.

*Please note: We can also offer support with building your website, however, for full transparency, this is a service we work closely with a third party to provide.


Leaflets and Brochures


Graphic design in Essex also incorporates the creation of leaflets and brochures to supplement your other marketing activities. If you’ve got an upcoming event or need to share information with your customers in a palatable way, we can help you to create these assets to strengthen your message.


Social Media Graphics


Social media graphics are an easy, quick, and digestible way to deliver information to your audience without losing their attention. Our design team work closely with our social media department to support their campaigns by producing eye-catching, branded assets to share on a range of platforms.


Advertising Assets


As a full-service agency, alongside graphic design in Essex, we also specialise in marketing, PR, and advertising too. As such, our design department are well-equipped to assist their co-workers with producing assets for your banner or display ads.

Get In Touch


Keen to know more about how we can support you with graphic design in Essex? For more information about working with our team on any element of your marketing, get in touch today! Our friendly team can be reached either by email, or by calling us on 01376 386 850.